Petit à Petit Daycare is the only place you will ever need for day care services in Portland, OR. Our caregivers can handle all of your French day care needs in one place, ensuring that one simple call gets you the best infant care, toddler care, and child care services available. Whether you need access to early education, preschool, after school programs, or a bilingual daycare, our caregivers have years of expertise and innovative methods to properly take care of your child. We also offer child night care to be truly progressive in providing the best child care services in the area.
Petit à Petit Daycare has over 15 years of professional experience providing day care services. The extensive background and the natural, loving approach of our caregivers are easily accessible through our daycare. Our caregivers can provide your child with a unique approach tailored to them, ensuring that they both enjoy and benefit from the interactive and fun methods we employ. Feel free to contact Petit à Petit Daycare today through email or phone for a detailed description of our day care services.